The benefits of Verisurf Build/Inspect
At the heart of Verisurf Build is the graphical 3D deviation arrow. This sophisticated component provides a live display of the distance from the device probe to the nominal model.
This feedback can then be used to position complex tooling details based on the definition, position, and shape. Verisurf Build/Inspect is used to analyse, profile, as well as position tolerance conditions on all machine parts and assemblies.
This innovative metrology software has revolutionised the inspection process thanks to its intuitive interface. This displays real-time part to model deviations as you inspect. So advanced, the live feedback combined with associative tolerance reveals whether the part is good even before you measure it.
A combination of powerful CAD tools with MBD tolerance and real-time device control facilitates virtual assembly. This allows you to indicate parts into position while setting multiple tolerance and feature types such as surfaces, lines, arcs and more.
Verisurf Build/Inspect has also simplified the assembly process by displaying build arrows that change in size and colour to reflect the tolerance condition.
Known as the Virtual Gage, Verisurf Build displays deviation with the probe's movement as you inspect the part concerning the nominal CAD model. After quick alignment to the CAD model, simply measure any error in the manufactured part with the live, intuitive interface.
During the inspection process, you clearly see part-to-model deviations, coordinates and assigned IDs all in real-time.
So, if you want to eliminate hard tooling while ensuring accurate, expedient manufacturing for quality control, choose Verisurf Build/Inspect.